Document 1813 DOCN M94A1813 TI Validation and implementation of a HIV+ patient (P) cluster in an acute care setting. DT 9412 AU Kenyon VS; Shumaker RL; Woods JP; Ricchezza CE; Yangco BG; Infectious Disease Research Institute, Tampa, FL 33614. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):445 (abstract no. PD0387). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370762 AB OBJECTIVE: To open: a HIV+ P. Cluster. METHODS/RESULTS: In July 1992 Hospital Departments interested and affected by the HIV+ population formed a Task Force (TF). The anticipated outcome was to submit a proposal to administration to validate the clustering of this P population and the anticipated expectations. Data aggregation included a review of the literature, P population surveillance, assessment of structural and staffing needs, and discussion and direction regarding medical staff affairs and public relations. In December the proposal to open a 10 bed unit March of 1993 was approved by administration. In the interim, the TF expanded with the goal of developing a business plan to be submitted to the Executive team and structural renovations to the unit were completed. The unit opened 3/93 and expanded to 20 beds 1/94. A SWOT (strength/weakness/opportunity/threat) analysis and mission values directed the TF efforts. The TF divided into an Advisory Committee and an Executive Steering Committee. Tools are being developed to assess this method for development of P population clusters. Average Length of Stay (LOS) is 9.9 days compared to a baseline of 13.7. CONCLUSION: When presented with a well structured plan administration may be receptive to and supportive of clustering HIV+ P. LOS decreased. On-going analysis will provide budget comparisons. Baseline data should be developed to evaluate patient satisfaction. DE Hospital Units/*ORGANIZATION & ADMIN Human *HIV Seropositivity MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).